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Prednisolone 1 Soluble Tablet 5mg PREDNISOLONE SOLUBLE 5mg

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If a delivery need to be signed for, it is the buyer's responsibility to ensure there is someone to take the delivery. We cannot specify delivery times other than within the range of the paid timed deliveries. If a courier provides you with a more specific delivery time via email/SMS, this should be taken as a guide only and this is the courier's reasonability to ensure timed delivery, not Springpharm Limited. Initiation and maintenance of prescribing by Specialists and transfer to Primary Care prescribing, in accordance with an ESCA , annotated within the formulary entry. Non Formulary No conclusive evidence that EC formulation reduces the risk of peptic ulcer.

Prednisolone 5mg Soluble Tablets are indicated in adults and children. Removed from formulary to avoid confusion with other injection strengths. We can supply Human Medication against a valid veterinary prescription.

This product is typically dispatched within 3-5 working days from date of order and is not suitable for our next day delivery service. Prednisolone is used to treat a wide range of health problems including allergies, blood disorders, skin diseases, infections, certain cancers and to prevent organ rejection after a transplant. It also damps down your immune system, which can help in autoimmune illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, where your immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues. This is a holding category for drugs that have not been formally assessed by NPAG and awarded a traffic light designation. Grey medicines, or those not included elsewhere, are those that NPAG has not assessed for therapeutic use and prescribers should refrain from prescribing where possible.

To purchase any pharmaceuticals, a Customer must be authorised to receive these restricted products. Increased susceptibility and severity of infections with suppression of clinical symptoms and signs, opportunistic infections, recurrence of dormant tuberculosis (see section 4.4). The growth promoting effect of somatotropin may be inhibited by the concomitant use of corticosteroids.

High doses of corticosteroids impair the immune response and so live vaccines should be avoided (see also section 4.4). The desired effects of hypoglycemic agents , anti-hypertensives and diuretics are antagonised by corticosteroids. Corticosteroids may worsen diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, hypertension, glaucoma and epilepsy and therefore patients with these conditions or a family history of them should be monitored frequently. Drugs which should only be prescribed in secondary care by a specialist.


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